Welcome To Morning Star Children’s Home
Thank you for visiting our website which is dedicated to sharing God’s work among the less fortunate children of Peru. Morning Star’s doors officially opened on October 23, 2006, with one house and four available beds. In less than four months we were full, having to turn down numerous requests from local officials to care for more children. The need here is great and as the Lord provides Morning Star will grow to love and care for many more. Click here for the full history and overview of the ministry.
How To Help
To Get Involved
Call Us: +51 – 979652001 to Donate Or Contact Us
Most choosing to come and have a first-hand experience are quickly enamored by these sweet children. Those who want to come to the field and use their skills and talents to benefit the children may do so individually or in groups.
Pray with us
Currently Morning Star has two homes in operation, one on the first floor and one on the second floor of the first duplex built for Morning Star. Both homes house up to eight children at a time along with their respective house parents.
Supporting Financially
Our policy on financial support is that we never solicit funds in any way. The following information is posted here for anyone who would like to voluntarily contribute to any of our ongoing ministries.
Our Mission
“See what great love the Father has given us in naming us the children of God”. How then can we be recipients of such great love, and not be compelled to share that love with others in our world; in particular, those who have been abandoned by their earthly parents and are in desperate need to feel the loving arms of God encircling them.
History & Overview
Throughout their first 20 years of missionary service in Peru, God allowed Tom and Carol Clark to work with two government children’s homes, to adopt children into their own family, and, finally, to open a Christ-centered children’s home to meet the needs of abandoned children in northern Peru.