How To Help
Morning Star greatly appreciates all help and support offered and welcomes your contribution to this ministry. Prayer for this ministry, those in this work, and the children and their futures is surely our most coveted and valued resource.
Offering Hope to the Children of Peru
In this small organization all donated resources are completely and directly used for the benefit of those children entrusted to us. Our goal is to care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of all the children God sends to Morning Star, sending them on to the next phase of their lives with the eternal hope that is in Christ Jesus and the tools and confidence they need to thrive in the world.
Our ministry is looking to increase awareness of the needs of northern Peru’s homeless children and is blessed with supporters who have found creative ways to not only support the children financially, but to increase the awareness of those around them. Please look over the next sections and prayerfully consider how you can be a part of the mighty work the Lord is doing in this part of the globe.
How To Help
Call (51) -(74)-61-3926 to Donate Or Contact Us to get Involved
Most choosing to come and have a first-hand experience are quickly enamored by these sweet children. Those who want to come to the field and use their skills and talents to benefit the children may do so individually or in groups.
Pray with us
Currently Morning Star has two homes in operation, one on the first floor and one on the second floor of the first duplex built for Morning Star. Both homes house up to eight children at a time along with their respective house parents.
Supporting Financially
Our policy on financial support is that we never solicit funds in any way. The following information is posted here for anyone who would like to voluntarily contribute to any of our ongoing ministries.