Morning Star’s Mission
“See what great love the Father has given us in naming us the children of God”. How then can we be recipients of such great love, and not be compelled to share that love with others in our world; in particular, those who have been abandoned by their earthly parents and are in desperate need to feel the loving arms of God encircling them.

Hundreds of thousands of children the world over are malnourished, unsheltered and uneducated, placing them at risk for disease, exploitation and a very short life. Most of all they need to hear about how God gave His Only Son to give them a new life in this world, and a safe and secure eternity with Him. Christ commanded His disciples to reach all humanity with this vital message. At the fringes of humanity are the children, isolated by their lack of resources and held there by their helplessness. To let our light so shine before men we must be willing to initiate the search, effect the rescue, and provide for their stable future.
Scripture also shows us that God the Father adopts all believers as His own children. (Eph. 1:5) What an amazing gift! So, we see that our loving God gives us the example of adoption. At Morning Star, we are convinced that adoption is a great blessing for children who need a family, but also for those couples and families courageous enough to adopt children and show them God’s infinite love.
There are an estimated 550,000 orphans in Peru. Our most basic mission is to reach all we can with the love of God and give them the skills they need for a bright future.
Shelter and protection answer the most immediate needs an abandoned child faces. Morning Star provides a warm bed, a safe home, clothing, nourishment and cleanliness – as well as medical evaluation and treatment for any conditions or diseases.
Emotional stability
Arriving out of a variety of living conditions, most have emotional issues to overcome. MSCH provides a loving family atmosphere where children can flourish and become emotionally stable.
MSCH is committed to insuring that the children in its care receive a quality Christian and academic education.
Within this caring and safe environment, these children, in a very clear and present way, are introduced to the spiritual message of God’s love for them. They are given the opportunity to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in their faith and knowledge of Him, and commit to a life of service for His glory.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said; “Let the little children come to me, for of such is the kingdom of God”. Childhood is the best time to acknowledge God’s existence and encounter His love. Morning Star Children’s Home exists to provide that option to young children who have been discarded by their natural family and society, and for whom God sacrificed His own child.