Pray with us

Currently Morning Star has two homes in operation, one on the first floor and one on the second floor of the first duplex built for Morning Star. Both homes house up to eight children at a time along with their respective house parents. As heartbreaking as it is, children are turned away on a regular basis because we are usually at or over capacity
Since there are no government monies involved in this enterprise, Morning Star relies solely on the financial support of individuals and groups interested in caring for the defenseless. Morning Star is presently a small facility, but we have lots of room to grow! Pray with us that the Lord will provide the staff and resources to be able to care for many more children.
In this way, the children will grow and learn within a loving family structure and be grounded in the faith that leads every aspect of our ministry.
Pray for:
- The house parents and the special challenges they face to care for so many with such a variety of personalities, problems, challenges and needs.
- The children who have come to Morning Star. They usually arrive scared, sad, malnourished, and with more worries than most people face in a lifetime. They are almost always behind in their education, lacking a functional family, and quite possibly victims of at least neglect.
- The funds needed monthly to house, feed, clothe, and educate these wonderful children.
- The unending paperwork that must be done to maintain MSCH’s legal status and to move the children’s cases through the legal system.
- More housing to be built in God’s perfect timing so that MSCH can help even more children.