Travel Guide

Morning Star Travel Information

Morning Star Children’s Home is located in northern Peru in the district of Pueblo Nuevo, province of Ferrenafe, 16 km from Chiclayo. When planning your trip, most of the arrangements can be made stateside via the internet. Please contact Morning Star at with any questions or concerns. You must submit the questionnaire at and be accepted to volunteer, as well as have your travel itinerary accepted.

General Info:
  • Currency in Peru is the Sol (“Soles” is the plural). For conversion and current exchange rates, Click Here.
  • Copa Airlines now has flights from the U.S. and Canada to our airport in Chiclayo, and they may be your quickest and least expensive option. This way you avoid having to spend time in Lima.
  • Throughout the Lima airport are ATMs which dispense funds in Soles and $USD for a small fee.
  • Any U.S. currency you plan to use in Peru must be new or as new as possible without tears or blemishes. Money having tears or blemishes will not be accepted. The best exchange rates are on the streets, as are the masters of deception. It is best to use ATMs or banks or get help from those who live locally.
  • Notify your credit card company prior to your trip to let them know you will be overseas.
  • Unless your phone provider uses GSM technology, your cell phone will not operate in Peru.
  • Because Peru sits south of the Equator, the seasons are reversed.
  • Time change – Peru is on EST but never goes on daylight savings.
  • A “Travel Check List” has also been created for your convenience at: